

Q: Best time of day to shoot?

A: 1-2 hours before sunset. The light is so beautiful and creamy. This is the best time of day for my style of photography because it doesn’t have the harsh overhead lighting that you’ll find during the middle of the day. Harsh lighting creates harsh shadows, especially under the eyes, otherwise know as raccoon eyes. That’s why I shoot for that beautiful evening light when possible.

Q: How do we go about picking a date?

A: Head to my Contact Page where you can select a date for your family session or send me an inquiry for all other sessions. You can request specific dates that might work for you, I can suggest dates, or we can narrow it down by month/day of the week that we both have available.

Q: How do we pick a location?

A: If you don’t have a specific location in mind, I’m happy to send you a page I’ve put together of lots of locations around this area to give you an idea of what’s available.

Q: We’ve booked our session but we’re not sure what to wear.

A: Don’t worry! I have a style guide that I send out after you book your date to help guide you in deciding what to wear, and what looks good together.

Q: We are awkward in front of the camera and have no idea how to pose.

A: Unless you are a model, I do not expect you to know exactly what to do. That is what I’m here for! It’s my job to help you know what to do. Leave it to me, I’m happy to pose you and give you fun things to do to bring out those genuine emotions.

Q: My husband hates pictures.

A: Don’t worry, mine does too. I try to make sessions as fun, quick, and painless for everyone as possible.

Q: I’m worried about my kids being awful.

A: Would you be surprised to hear that I rarely ever have a session where the kids are perfect angels. It’s unrealistic and I do not expect it. I have kids myself, I know what it’s like. Kids will be kids and that’s no problem, please don’t stress about it, I will work with them. We will play around a lot and we can always bribe them with snacks or treats, or you can take them to ice cream afterwards. Or if your kids are really small, bring something small that they’d find interesting to look at that I can hold and get their attention with. Like I said, don’t stress! We’ll make it work.

Q: What if the weather is bad?

A: It happens! And I’m happy to work with you on rescheduling if it comes down to it.

Q: What sets you apart from other photographers

A: Along with getting you those christmas card, posed photos, I also love to get you the emotional, candid, in-between moments that make your mom-heart happy. The size of your kids tiny hands next to yours, their little kisses on your cheeks, playing around, laughing and having a good time. I love it and can’t get enough!

Q: How do you deliver the photos and do we have to order prints through you?

A: Photos are delivered via an online gallery that makes it easy to download images and share them with family and friends. You are welcome to order prints through the professional printing lab attached to my gallery delivery site, or you can download and print them wherever you choose. Just keep in mind that printing labs are not created equal, so your images make look weird or different when printed at places like walmart. I suggest costco or

Q: What number of images can we expect?

A: I have a couple of packages available that offer different amounts of images, depending of what you’re wanting. Click here to view those packages.

Q: How long until we get our photos back?

A: Portrait sessions take 2-3 weeks to edit and weddings take 6-8 weeks. Rush editing is available if you need your gallery quicker the standard 2-3 weeks.

Q: What time of year is best to shoot?

That depends on what you’d like your background to look like and what clothes you’d like to wear! Consider what kind of outfits you’d like to wear and backdrops you’re interested in and plan your time of year around that.

Spring: If you’d like to be surrounded by lots of greenery or possibly flowers, springtime is the time for that. It’s also no too hot yet.

Summer: It can get hot (obviously haha), the sun sets later in the summer, so we generally won’t start shooting until 6:30-7:30. Greenery tends to have died and dried up by this point making it lots harder to find, so summer is great for big white-grassy fields, sandy beaches, lava flows. Summer has some of the most beautiful evening light though, just dreamy!

Fall: Great if you’d like to wear sweaters or layers, like the weather a little cooler, and depending on how long the leaves are here for, some of those beautiful fall colors.

Winter: Snow, if we’re lucky haha. Plan on blankets and very warm clothes. If you have smaller kids, please dress them warm. Kids get grumpy when they’re cold, and we want happy kids 🙂 Another good thing to know about kids and the cold is that they’re likely to get red cheeks and noses from the cold, as well as runny noses, so keep that in mind when deciding if you’d like to brave a winter session.

I’m interested in booking a session, what now?

Head on over to my contact page to book now or send me a message! I’m happy to answer any questions or even help you get your session booked. Can’t wait!

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Trina Reed Photo

Serving Pocatello & Beyond

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